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Francesco's Baptism Day

Francesco on the Patio Chair Summer 2006 Francesco Baby Modelling Francesco's Baptism Day Francesco Winter 2005/ 2006 Francesco's Vocabulary Memo My Photos My Bio Baby Jesus 2004 My Photos My Photos The Easter Bunny Francesco at 8 Months Old My Photos Article Name Article Name My Photos Me & Joe Francesco's Very 1st Hair Cut My Photos

My Baptism Day 


Feb 20, 2005.

"Getting sleepy with all this picture taking on Mama & Papa's bed...and I havn't even been Baptised yet. What time's Church at anyway guys?"


Francesco in crisp and very classy and mature off-white Raw-Silk vest and little knicker jumper. Finishing touches with matching Raw-Silk Cape-with sleeves and Raw-Silk shoes, and Italian crochet socks...not to mention the matching Raw-Silk Blankie and Hankie.

Along with the ambiance is the beautiful White-Gold necklace with a square medallion with etching of baby being Baptised while on the back is engraved the date of this very special day.

We would like to give a very special thanks to Francesco's four God Parents, yes four! (Uncle Barry & Zti-Zti Rose and Cousins Frank & Ang) for this precious little 'Gear/ Bling'...

We love you four very dearly.

Thank you so very much for being a big part of Francesco's life!